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Student Forms

The information collected on these forms is purely for the purpose of assessing your request for your request made through a specific form. Kingsford International Institute collects, uses and destroys information in accordance with the Institute’s Privacy Policy.

Once this form has been completed, please forward to the Institute Office for processing by the Admin Officer.

This is a request for change of course or enrolment and the request will be considered in accordance with the Transfer between Registered Providers Policy. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

This is a request for credit transfer and the request will be considered in accordance with the KII Policy. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, the Institute Office will review this information for action and monitoring, and forward this form to the WHS Officer as appropriate. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Once this form has been completed, please be patient while the Admin Officer from the Institution processes your application or request. You must sign-in with KII Student Credentials (KII Email and Password) to access this form.

Policies & Procedures

Kingsford International Institute (KII) is committed to providing a fair and equitable environment for its students and visitors, and a transparent complaints and appeals process that includes access to an independent external body if required.

Staff and students have the right to submit a complaint if they wish to express discontent against another person or a complaint against the Institutes process or system. In order to ensure that complaints are dealt with in a timely manner, we have implemented a complaints process.

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that student course progress is monitored and reviewed. KII must take intervention action when a student is in danger of not progressing satisfactorily or completing their course.

Should a critical incident occur to any student or member of staff at the Institute, it is vital that a process of support is initiated and carried out. An incident must be recorded on the Critical Incident Report and filed in the Critical Incident Register.

Students need written permission from Kingsford International Institute to defer their course. In cases where permission is granted, Department of Home Affairs (DHA) will be advised via PRISMS.

The KII Board determines the fees and charges that will be payable from time to time. These are set out in a “Schedule of Fees”. The Student Fees are revised on a regular basis and may be amended each year or whenever deemed necessary by the board.

KII is entitled to determine the circumstances in which it will provide approve or refuse the Transfer Request. Where a Student requests a transfer before or within the period of six (6) months of commencement of their Principal Course, KII will assess the request for transfer against this policy.

AQF Certifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations (Institute) are recognised by this Institute, this enables individuals to receive national recognition of their achievements. In order to apply for a credit transfer the student should complete the stated procedure.

KII respects the importance of securing any form of personal information which is collected from the student (s) and/or other Stakeholders. KII promotes and conducts the following policy in accordance with the privacy Amendment (enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, which amends the Privacy Act 1988.

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) scheme, enabled by the Student Identifiers Act 2014, allows learners to access a single online record of their VET achievements. The scheme also allows for reliable confirmation of these achievements by employers and other RTOs.

The RTO is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the benefit of all clients, visitors and employees. The RTO monitors and maintains the appropriate Workplace Health and Safety levels and obligations under the Federal and State rules and regulations of the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011.